Sunday, July 26, 2009


Weston and I made popsicles. Strawberries and yogurt. These are the kind of popsicles my kids can have for breakfast and that makes everyone happy!
Spellcheck just flagged "popsicle" because it should be capitalized. Who knew?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Almost the Easiest Cookies Ever

I made some easy and yummy lemon cookies today. I think these might be the easiest cookies I have ever made other than those handy break apart ones. These stay soft in the middle. The secret ingredient is.....a cake mix. I've seen these recipes floating around and finally tried it. Gotta love when the cake mixes are BOGO!

1 box lemon cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 cup oil
1 tsp. lemon extract

Mix up. Form into teaspoon balls and roll in some powdered sugar. Bake at 375 for about 7 minutes.

I had help rolling in the sugar. He was ready to lick that bowl of sugar clean when we were done.

I'm thinking of some other cake/extract flavors and instead of rolling in sugar using a sugar glaze. Let me know if you try them and what you think!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cookies for the 4th

Some of the cookies I made for the 4th. Like that one on the right that looks like the nuclear warning sign? Oops.

Still working on the flip-flops. I need to figure out something better. But isn't it great that you can buy a flip-flop cookie cutter?

This was the 1st time I tried this. I like how it turned out. I was thinking tie dye, Wes was thinking Spiderman.